bushcraft courses bushcraft courses



To attend this course you will learn far more than just the bow drill.

The Bow Drill and Hand drill training courses could be the most rewarding one day bushcraft course you attend- SEE ED STAFFORD'S TESTAMONIAL ABOUT OUR VERY SIMILAR HAND-DRILL COURSE.Ed stafford testamonial bow drill cours

We provide 6 months free instructional aftercare and advice via email, phone or in person to anyone attending our fire by friction courses. If you're still having problems and are nearby, we endeavour to spend a little more time with you, free of charge, to iron out any further problems.

We are also keeping the numbers lower to improve instructor to student ratio and therefore heighten your chances of success.

During this training we cover the main elements

  • Carving techniques
  • Wood types and selection
  • Techniques and skills involved in the fire making process
  • Position and stance
  • Location
  • Ember to flame
  • Fire management
  • Knots

Also covered in this bushcraft course

  • How to make a fire from a bow drill kit recently soaked in water.
  • A wealth of information on different types of tinder and their uses will also be provided.
  • Types of cordage that can be used, wild and man made.

There is also another advantage to studying this skill with us; we always throw in lots of other bushcraft knowledge and skills training thoughout the day.







Now wishing to give a high instructor to client ratio, the number of people on this course is limited to only two at any time. This allows me to really concentrate a lot of focussed high quality instruction.


In short, I am not into making money from this partcular course, I just really enjoy teaching it and seeing cleints succeed in this essential outdoor, wilderness skill.


Hence, this course is by now request.

To book & discuss dates please send a text to my number: 07952683383.


Further information about this course

There's something truly magical about gently coaxing a smoldering ember from seemingly inert materials and blowing it into a flame. It's a wonderful skill to have and one that is almost as enthralling to watch as it is to perform.

The bow drill is viewed by many as the quintessential bushcraft skill, giving the master of its use a feeling of freedom and self reliance that is rivalled by few other survival skills.

On this bushcraft course you will learn the very best ways of achieving success in that ultimate goal - making a fire by friction.

Your instructor for this course; Dale, is one of the UK's leading experts on fire by friction, who with his ten years of experience has tried and tested many different methods and materials. As such, by attending this bushcraft course you are ensured the very best possible chance of succeeding in creating your first friction fire.

Enquiries: contact us on learnbushcraft@gmail.com or 07952683383.

Max group size: 2

Duration: 1 day

Self catering - bring a packed lunch (we provide the brews!)

Cost: £120

pre-requisite bushcraft courses: none


Our Other Courses: