Terms and conditions
Terms and Conditions
These days the compensation culture is a growing trend, as it the mistreatment of some of our outdoors equipment. Therefore we have decided to set up a new terms and conditions policy to protect ourselves and the clients attending our courses from claims.
We have also sought to protect our property interests and that of our site owner. In short all we ask is that you take care of our property and if you damage it we will ask that you replace it. But please take time to fully read all the terms and conditions.
You will be asked to sign a copy of this upon arriving at any bushcraft course you attend.
Any persons attending a course run by Dale Collett (advertising as the British Bushcraft School) must read these terms and conditions. Once you place a booking and it is subsequently accepted you are then bound by these terms and conditions. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us on learnbushcraft@gmail.com or on 07952683383
Instructor(s): any one instructing part or all of a bushcraft course for which the participant has paid to attend. This includes volunteers who may be returning following a previous course to possibly pursue a path to become an instructor.
Participant: anyone who has paid money to attend a bushcraft course as advertised on www.britishbushcraftschool.co.uk or via other advertisement or other means.
All we ask is a £40 deposit to secure your place on any course.
Full payment will be then be due no less than 4 weeks prior to the course start date. If you fail to pay the full amount then you will be removed from the course and the cancellation charges as listed below will come into force. However we are understanding and if you have special circumstances then we will take this into consideration.
Cancellation of course
Given the substantial preparation by The British Bushcraft prior our bushcraft courses, any participant attending or agreeing to attend must be aware of the following cost implications.
Any cancellations by the client will give rise to the following charges:
a) Cancellation more than 8 weeks before the course starts the deposit is forfeited.
b) Cancellation 4-8 weeks before course commencement will lead to a 50% charge.
c) Cancellation less than 4 weeks then no refund will be payable, but under certain circumstances a new date may be offered and this may involve some small costs in administration and cancellations charges due to expenses incurred by us on the first course.
Variation of a bushcraft course
By their very nature bushcraft courses are subject to natural forces and we will try as best to stick to the course content, however we reserve the right to alter any content to comply with the weather and nature’s variables at the time and season and to comply with any other circumstances arising even if this means cancellation of a course by us or you. By booking a course you acknowledge this. In such circumstances it is not reasonable for the British Bushcraft School to be liable for any costs as a result of changing and amending course content or cancelling due to unpredictable events and as such this means you will not hold us liable in any way for any costs.
The British Bushcraft School course/Dale Collett does not provide personal accident insurance to people attending the courses. Therefore, attendees are advised to provide their own personal insurance cover from a well established company, e.g. Insure & Go.(www.insureandgo.com). This is to cover for any losses in income and provide financial support in the event of any injury, permanent disability or death sustained on the course. For individuals attending from overseas you are advised to ensure full cover against cancellation of a course medical expenses including repatriation.
Conduct by course attendees
Good conduct is required by all participants. This is essential as the course will be in hazardous environments from woodland and in some cases mountain terrain. It is also essential for the enjoyment of all those attending the course. Participants need to show attentive listening skills to all warnings and directions given and to adhere to these directions. Any participant who’s behaviour falls outside of this standard and shows unacceptable behaviour will be asked to leave the course without refund for any part of the course. The instructors and staff members at the British Bushcraft School reserve the right to judge what they deem to be unacceptable behaviour. By attending you agree that The British Bushcraft School will not be liable for any costs or responsibility in relocating removed participants or any other costs incurred by removal of a person from a course.
Equipment and property
All participants must keep any equipment loaned to them clean and in good condition. All equipment must be returned in a clean and working order. Only the equipment issued (and the participants own personal equipment) is to be used, no other items or property on or near the course site is to be taken or used from any location by the course participants.
Any damage to property by a course participant, whether the damage is to public or private property, is liable to the course participant who caused the damage. The instructor(s) will not be held liable in any way for damage or loss to any property, this includes participants personal property and property upon where the course takes place. Any damages must be paid for; this is to include land or items belonging to the landowner and the woodland site. This also includes property belonging to or associated with the instructor(s) and the British Bushcraft School. This applies to all damage including accidental. In the event of malicious damage or theft Criminal proceedings may also be instigated.
The bushcraft courses take place in the outdoors, which by is never completely free from hazard. While reasonable precautions are taken to minimise the risks, the participant attending accepts that events that give
rise to injury or serious injury and death can occur, and in the event of this the participant, or anyone involved as a friend or relative or acting on the behalf of the participant or their friends or relatives, will not hold the British Bushcraft School at fault or liable, or any landowner where the course takes place at fault or liable. By attending you agree that the British Bushcraft School including the course instructor(s) and landowners will not be liable in any way for any damages, injury or death to any persons or property even if this arises out of error or omission or accident on the instructors part.
We also like to protect our course participants from civil litigation by other participants so to this end by attending a course you also accept full liability for your own health, safety and well being which include mental wellbeing. You will not hold any other participant liable for any injury or death to yourself however caused, or damage to your property however caused. This however does not protect anyone from criminal proceedings being brought about by a suspected breach in criminal law.
Medical conditions and allergies
You must declare any medical conditions to us so that any appropriate change and arrangements can be made. In certain circumstances where allergies are a factor we may ask you to cater for yourself, but will adjust the course price accordingly. You will be responsible for managing your own medical conditions, bringing any medication you require and administering this yourself. No other participant or instructor will be liable.
Attending with children
If you attend with children you accept that you are fully responsible for the child for the duration of your stay on the course and in no way will you hold any instructor or other course member liable in any way for any incident even if this results in injury or death. You also acknowledge that the child cannot be instructed directly and that all skills are taught to you and you decide which skills to pass down to the child for which you have responsibility.
You will be asked to sign a copy of this to show you agree with these conditions when you attend a course. Please do not attend a course if you do not wish to be bound by these conditions.